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Manual Pages

The following Generic NQS manual pages, originally distributed with the software, are now available online:


nmapmgr is a program used by the NQS System Administrator or System Operator to control the Machine ID configuration at the local machine.

Click here for the man page in full.


The Network Queueing System (NQS) provides the means to submit batch jobs to local and remote UNIX machines.

Click here for the man page in full.


This manual page is a placeholder for information on the local NQS configuration and is intended to indicate which queues should be used for which situations.

Click here for the man page in full.


This document describes the Network Queueing System as implemented at Monsanto on UNIX Workstations.  It provides basic information on how to set up jobs, submit them, and monitor their status as they run.  This document is intended to be an overview for new users and not as a complete description.  For more detailed information, consult the appropriate man pages.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qacct prints out the accounting information.   The default is to print out a summary line for each job indicating the username, the request, the queue, the total CPU usage, and the starting and completion date/times.   There are two types of NQS accounting files.  The raw accounting file have records for NQS startup and shutdown and records for NQS request start and completion.   The summary accounting is derived from the raw data file and has a single record for each NQS request.  Qacct will read either type of file.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qalter modifies the attributes of the NQS requests whose request-ids are listed on the command line.  Only queued, waiting, or holding requests may be modified.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qcat displays the spooled stdout, stderr, or input script file the the NQS request whose request-id is listed on the command line.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qcmplx displays the Network Queueing System (NQS) complexes.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qdel deletes all queued NQS requests whose respective request-id is listed on the command line.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qdev displays the status of devices known to the Network Queueing System (NQS).

Click here for the man page in full.


Qhold holds all queued or waiting NQS requests whose respective request-id is listed on the command line.  Qhold will not hold a running NQS request.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qjob displays the status of queues known to the Network Queueing System (NQS) as remote ones.  The /etc/batch-servers file should contain host names for machines currently in connection with the local host via pipe queues.  Each entry consists of a line specifying the name of the machine.  This file is normally created and maintained by NQS queue managers.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qlimit displays the set of batch request resource limit types that can be directly enforced on the implied local host of named hosts, and also the batch request shell strategy defined for the implied local host or named hosts.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qmgr is a program used by the System Administrator or System Operator to control NQS requests, queues, devices, and the general NQS configuration at the local machine.  Single commands can be given on the command line, of if there are none, Qmgr enters an interactive session.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qmsg appends messages to the NQS log or error files.   The messages are gathered from stdin until an end-of-file.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qpr places the named files in a Network Queueing System (NQS) queue to be printed by a device such as a line printer or laser printer.   If no files are specified, qpr will read from the standard input.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qresume resumes all suspended NQS requests whose respective request-id is listed on the command line.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qrls releases all held NQS requests whose respective request-id is listed on the command line.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qstat displays the status of Network Queueing System (NQS) queues.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qstatc displays the status of Network Queueing System (NQS) requests and queues.

Click here for the man page in full.


Qsub submits a batch request to the Network Queueing System (NQS).

Click here for the man page in full.


Qsuspend suspends all running NQS requests whose respective request-id is listed on the command line.  Qsuspend will not suspend any NQS request which is not running.

Click here for the man page in full.


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