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Current Versions

The current production release is Generic NQS v3.50.9, released 19th March 2000.

There is currently no pre-production release.

Of course, you can always download one of the nightly builds for production and pre-production systems.  These contain the very latest fixes, and new features.  WARNING: pre-production builds may not compile, install, or work as expected.

A list of changes for the master source code (updated every hour) can be found here.  Details of any changes are automatically sent to the NQS-Developers mailing list too.

The best way to keep track with what is happening to GNQS from day to day is to keep an eye on Stu's diary.


Generic NQS v3.50.6 (including all pre-releases) and v3.50.7 contain a security hole that will allow any GNQS user to obtain root access.  All platforms are vulnerable.  The only fix is to upgrade to v3.50.8.

Useful Fixes in GNQS_Stable

If you are looking to install Generic NQS on a HP-UX platform, then you might want to try the latest GNQS_Stable nightly build [more].  Our SETUP software in v3.50.9 has trouble selecting the correct compiler.

These fixes will be made available in v3.50.10.  We currently have no planned release date for v3.50.10.

Mailing List Problems

I've just spent all morning removing dead email addresses from the three NQS mailing lists.  Can you *please* make sure that you unsubscribe from any NQS mailing lists that you're on whenever you're about to change your email address.  Instructions on how to do this can be found at Mailbase [more].  Or at least send me a note (, so that I can remove you myself.

And when you try to subscribe to the lists, *please* send the email from a email address that can *receive* email too.  A number of the people I've had to delete keep re-subscribing the same broken email address.  I want the mailing lists to be used by as many people as possible.  But if I'm going to have to waste most of my time admin'ing them, I'm going to have to reconsider.

10th February 2000

Recent Updates To The Web Site

  • 1st August 2000
  • 15th February 2000
  • 10th February 2000
  • 9th February 2000
  • Updated news page.
  • 8th February 2000
  • 3rd February 2000
  • 2nd February 2000

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